Tag Archives: Tottenham

Preview: LFC v. Spurs

A moment for Liverpool fans

The next in line of Liverpool Football Club’s longest-ever string of “biggest games of the season.” Or maybe not. In 2018-19, the Reds walked a similar tightrope for the last several months of the season, albeit in fewer competitions. But this time, because there are more competitions, there have been more opportunities to slip.  More opportunities to fail. So far, …

Preview: Spurs v. LFC

So many unknowns about this one. Biggest question is: will it happen? Most of my Twitter feed seems to think “No.” This seems a reasonable assumption, based on the fact that more than half of this weekend’s fixtures have already been postponed, and more Liverpool players are rumored to have COVID. But, I tend to think it WILL happen. There’s so much …